BaseXTag - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator
BaseXTag() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.BaseXTag


capitalize(String) - Static method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Utils
Capitalize first word of String.
commaSplitToArray(String) - Static method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Utils
Split by delim character and ignore surrounding space.
commaSplitToCollection(String) - Static method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Utils
Split by delim character and ignore surrounding space.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO


DateDecorator - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.decorators
Decorator for transforming Date instances for example and utility purpose.
DateDecorator() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.decorators.DateDecorator
decapitalize(String) - Static method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Utils
Decapitalize first word of String.
decorate(Object) - Method in interface org.devyant.decorutils.Decorator
decorate(Object) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.decorators.DateDecorator
The decorate method.
DecorateAndStoreTag - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator
Does the same as the DecorateTag, except it stores the decorated object instead of printing it.
DecorateAndStoreTag() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateAndStoreTag
DecorateAndStoreTagExtraInfo - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator
Implementation of TagExtraInfo for the decorate tag, identifying the scripting object(s) to be made visible.
DecorateAndStoreTagExtraInfo() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateAndStoreTagExtraInfo
DecorateTag - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator
This tag is usefull for decorating objects, transforming the data containers in presentable text data.
DecorateTag() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
Decorator - Interface in org.devyant.decorutils
You do NOT have to implement this method to be able to use the Decorator Tag Library.
DecoratorException - Exception in org.devyant.decorutils.exceptions
Thrown when an exception is caught while trying to apply a decorator.
DecoratorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.devyant.decorutils.exceptions.DecoratorException
Creates a new DecoratorException instance.
DEFAULT_LOCALE - Static variable in class org.devyant.decorutils.decorators.DateDecorator
Displayable - Interface in org.devyant.decorutils.sdo
doAfterBody() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.IterateAndDecorateTag
doAfterBody() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XDecorateTag
doAfterBody() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XNestedTag
doAfterBody() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XRuleTag
doEndTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
doEndTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.IterateAndDecorateTag
doEndTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XAttributeTag
doEndTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XDecorateTag
doEndTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XNestedTag
doEndTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XRuleTag
doEvalCommon(DynaNode) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.BaseXTag
Common tasks used by every child class in the eval() method.
doStartTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XAttributeTag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XDecorateTag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XNestedTag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XRuleTag
DynaNode - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.xml
DynaNode is a cool class.
DynaNode() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode


get(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode
Checks for THIS_PREFIX.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
getAttributesCollection() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.BaseXTag
getChildren() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode
getChildrenCount() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode
getClassProperty(Object, String) - Static method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Utils
The value for a certain property from the object.
getCurrent() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.BaseXTag
getDecorator() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
getGetterMethod(Class, String) - Static method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Utils
The getter method for certain property from a certain class.
getId() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateAndStoreTag
getId() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XNestedTag
Getter method for the id attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
getName() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode
getNodes(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.SimpleXmlWrapper
Returns a Collection of the nodes selected by the XPath query.
getNodes() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.SimpleXmlWrapper
Returns a Collection of all the nodes in the document.
getObject() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO
Returns the decorated object.
getObject() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Wrapper
getParent() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode
getProperty() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
getReturnConst() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
getReturnConst() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.IterateAndDecorateTag
getScope() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
getScopeConst(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
getToScope() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateAndStoreTag
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateAndStoreTagExtraInfo
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.IterateAndDecorateTagExtraInfo
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XDecorateTagExtraInfo
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XNestedTagExtraInfo


id - Variable in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateAndStoreTag
Stores the result of the decoration in the specified scope instead of printing it.
init(Object) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Wrapper
Initialize the wrapper.
InvalidRuleFormatException - Exception in org.devyant.decorutils.exceptions
InvalidRuleFormatException() - Constructor for exception org.devyant.decorutils.exceptions.InvalidRuleFormatException
Creates a new InvalidRuleFormatException instance.
InvalidTagPlacementException - Exception in org.devyant.decorutils.exceptions
InvalidTagPlacementException(String) - Constructor for exception org.devyant.decorutils.exceptions.InvalidTagPlacementException
Creates a new InvalidTagPlacementException instance.
invokeDecorateMethodForObject(Object, Method, Object, Method) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
invokeDecorateMethodForObject(Object, Method, Object, Method) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.IterateAndDecorateTag
isGoRuleElse() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.RuledTag
isIterate() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
isSetPageContext() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
IterateAndDecorateTag - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator
Works the same way as the DecorateTag but expects a Collection and interates through it's items and stores the resulting object of each decoration for you to manipulate within the body of the tag.
IterateAndDecorateTag() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.IterateAndDecorateTag
IterateAndDecorateTagExtraInfo - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator
Implementation of TagExtraInfo for the decorate tag, identifying the scripting object(s) to be made visible.
IterateAndDecorateTagExtraInfo() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.IterateAndDecorateTagExtraInfo


org.devyant.decorutils - package org.devyant.decorutils
The base package contains basic interfaces that define decorators and common utility methods.
org.devyant.decorutils.decorators - package org.devyant.decorutils.decorators
Contains decorators implemented for example and/or utility purposes.
org.devyant.decorutils.exceptions - package org.devyant.decorutils.exceptions
The exceptions that are thrown by the tag libraries and the XML wrapper.
org.devyant.decorutils.sdo - package org.devyant.decorutils.sdo
Contains the class that implements Sortable Decorated Objects and, possibly, other related classes and interfaces.
org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator - package org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator
Contains the Decorator Tag Library's implementation.
org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator - package org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator
Contains the XMLDecorator Tag Library's implementation.
org.devyant.decorutils.xml - package org.devyant.decorutils.xml
This package is dedicated to the manipulation of XML data by means of the SimpleXmlWrapper.


returnDecoratedObject(Object) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateAndStoreTag
returnDecoratedObject(Object) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
returnDecoratedObject(Object) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.IterateAndDecorateTag
RuledTag - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator
Else is activated on each iteration and deactivated when a rule has been verified.
RuledTag() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.RuledTag


SDO - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.sdo
Sortable Decorated Object.
SDO() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO
Constructs a new, empty Sortable Decorated Object.
SDO(Comparable) - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO
Constructs a new Sortable Decorated Object with an empty display String.
SDO(Comparable, Format) - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO
Constructs a new Sortable Decorated Object and creates display String using the specified formatter on the object.
SDO(Comparable, String) - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO
Constructs a new Sortable Decorated Object.
SDO(Comparator, Object, Format) - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO
Constructs a new Sortable Decorated Object and creates display String using the specified formatter on the object.
SDO(Comparator, Object, String) - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO
Constructs a new Sortable Decorated Object.
setAttribute(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XAttributeTag
setAttributes(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
setAttributes(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.BaseXTag
The attributes you wish to manipulate.
setAttributesCollection(Collection) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.BaseXTag
setChildren(Collection) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode
setCurrent(DynaNode) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.BaseXTag
setDecorator(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
setDisplayString(String) - Method in interface org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.Displayable
setDisplayString(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO
Set the output String.
setDocument(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XDecorateTag
setFormat(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.decorators.DateDecorator
Setter method for the format attribute.
setGoRuleElse(boolean) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.RuledTag
setId(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateAndStoreTag
setId(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XNestedTag
This id can be used to avoid a clash between the attributes names in the scope.
setIterate(boolean) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
setName(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
setName(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode
setPageContext(PageContext) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.decorators.DateDecorator
Setter method for the pageContext attribute.
setParent(DynaNode) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode
setProperty(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
setRules(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XRuleTag
setScope(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
setSetPageContext(boolean) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateTag
setToScope(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.decorator.DecorateAndStoreTag
setXpath(String) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XDecorateTag
Xpath for the nodes to be selected.
SimpleXmlWrapper - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.xml
A simple wrapper for XML documents.
SimpleXmlWrapper(String) - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.SimpleXmlWrapper
Creates a new SimpleXmlWrapper instance.
splitToArrayIgnoreSpace(String, char) - Static method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Utils
Split by delim character and ignore surrounding space.
splitToCollectionIgnoreSpace(String, char) - Static method in class org.devyant.decorutils.Utils
Split by delim character and ignore surrounding space.


toString() - Method in interface org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.Displayable
toString() - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.sdo.SDO
This method overrides Object toString method returning the specified output String.


Utils - Class in org.devyant.decorutils
Utils() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.Utils
Not allowed.


verifiesRules(Collection) - Method in class org.devyant.decorutils.xml.DynaNode
Validates node against a set of rules.


Wrapper - Class in org.devyant.decorutils
Wrapper() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.Wrapper


XAttributeTag - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator
Outputs the value of an attribute from the parent "X-Tag".
XAttributeTag() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XAttributeTag
XDecorateTag - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator
This tag is meant to transform simple information stored on a XML document.
XDecorateTag() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XDecorateTag
XDecorateTagExtraInfo - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator
Implementation of TagExtraInfo for the decorate tag, identifying the scripting object(s) to be made visible.
XDecorateTagExtraInfo() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XDecorateTagExtraInfo
XNestedTag - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator
This tag is meant to transform simple information stored on a XML document.
XNestedTag() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XNestedTag
XNestedTagExtraInfo - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator
Implementation of TagExtraInfo for the decorate tag, identifying the scripting object(s) to be made visible.
XNestedTagExtraInfo() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XNestedTagExtraInfo
XRuleTag - Class in org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator
This tag enables you to specify rules for the evaluation or not of it's body.
XRuleTag() - Constructor for class org.devyant.decorutils.tags.xmldecorator.XRuleTag


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